A calorie is a unit of energy and it indicates the amount of energy that we obtain from ingesting a certain food. The calories that we obtain from food are then used as a source of energy that allows us to do various things. Additionally, calories are also utilized by different body systems in order for them to work. One good example would be breathing, as it requires calories in order to be done. However, whenever we eat too much food, our body is unable to apply all the calories that we have gotten from eating. As a result, there is an excess of calories which our bodies convert into fat, making us weigh more.

The basic principle that every weight loss plan is promoting is that for ensuring weight loss you need to burn more calories than you eat. This means that you have to carefully keep under control the things that are reaching your plate and what easier method to do so than a calorie counter? You also have to take into consideration that the way in which people burn calories depends on a variety of factors. Some of us burn calories fast without too much effort while others need to exercises considerably more. Also keep in mind that reducing the calorie intake suddenly and with a significant amount might have the exact opposite results than the desired ones. Reduce your calorie intake gradually, preferably under professional advice.

Managing the amount of calories you burn should not be a big deal. All you really need to do is get up off of the couch and get out and take a brisk half hour walk around the block four or five days a week. You can lose a pound or two a month this way without even watching your diet. But if you are not able to do that you better keep a watch on your daily calorie intake.